Describe Yourself Dating Site Examples

Examples of Online Dating Introductions. Below are some examples of dating introductions. If you want a long term relationship, you can choose any one of the examples as a guide below. Online Dating Introduction Example 1. Hello (Name), I came across your profile and I was really happy to read about your interest in basketball. There you have it, guys and gals, the best words to describe yourself online, whether on social media or online dating sites. Remember: whatever you put in your profile must always be backed up with your social media identity through your posts and photos. Next, read: 9 social media sites to use to snag yourself a date. What you get on this page:. The 10 best dating profile examples for men. For Men, Ages: 20’s, 30’s, 40’s & 50’s+., eHarmony, okCupid, JDate & POF profile examples. A woman’s perspective on these profiles. Then I personally help fix your #1 Online Dating Attraction Killer free. Let’s get started!

Looking for good online dating profiles to copy? I gotchu, boo, with all the online dating profile inspiration and examples you need.

Here are some great, easy-to-copy dating profile examples & profile photo optimization tips for gents and ladies.

Feel free to mix, match, and edit these dating profile examples as needed to suit your situation.

Dating Profile Example # 1: Three things

An essential rule of thumb when creating your dating profile is to think of yourself as a product.

What are the best keywords to describe what “you” are, and what you’re into? (Ex: An engineer? A creative? An athlete/fitness enthusiast?)

Second, what is the “consumer” getting if they “buy”? (Ex: Your contagious enthusiasm for life? A good listener? Interesting conversation about books? Boozy campfires? Raucous club outings?)

These dating profile examples show that you don’t need to list everything there is to know about you.

Your bio is just an ad, so you want to pique interest, and leave the meaty getting-to-know-you stuff for chats and dates.

List three interesting things about you (interests, hobbies, goals) to make people curious and want to swipe right to find out more.


Astrid, 26
Kava enthusiast. Wannabe climber. Roomba owner.

Jesse, 27
Amateur Lego builder. Terrible cook. Aspiring snowboarder.

Dating Profile Example # 2: “Ask me about…”

Brevity is your friend, friend. A concise one-liner comes across as confident and self assured, like you know what you’re about and have nothing to prove.

Use this short and simple “Ask me about…” template to steer your chat convo toward that one weird interest or fun fact about yourself you’re dying to share.


Taylor, 27
Ask me about my sleight of hand

Describe yourself dating example

Jude, 23
Ask me about my cat’s tricks.

Dating Profile Example # 3: Movie quote

Referencing movies or tv shows is a really great way to engage on a dating app. Even though you’re strangers, you’re already connected through this shared social consciousness, so swipers will automatically feel positively towards you.


Heather, 22
I’ll have what she’s having
(When Harry Met Sally quote)

Derek, 25
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
(Ferris Bueller’s Day Off quote)

Dating Profile Example # 4: Greater than/less than

These dating profile examples of the “greater than/less than” template show that you can reveal a lot about your interests and sense of humor without penning a multi-volume autobiography.

Are you always down for a good-natured debate? Rousing convo? This format is a great way to express an unpopular opinion or slightly tease about a topic you know people feel strongly about.


Claudia, 24
Captain America > Thor

Mark, 26
My Sunday roast > your mom’s Sunday roast

Dating Profile Example # 5: Quirky Interest

Got an unusual interest or passion? Your dating profile is the perfect place to reveal this little-known fact.

Sure, maybe not everyone will love that you keep track of your Minecraft progress in a spreadsheet or secretly take salsa lessons, but the people who do respond are already really going to be picking up what you’re putting down.

There’s no sense in hiding your quirkiness or nerdom. You may as well focus on attracting those who will jive with you than going for worldwide mass appeal.


Ferrin, 25
My labelmaker is the single best purchase of my 20s so far.

Rory, 29
I may or may not use the Dewey Decimal System for my home library.

How to describe yourself on a dating site examples for man

Even the best bio won’t make up for unattractive pics 😕

If your pics don’t look good, your dating profile doesn’t stand a chance at getting much notice, unfortunately.

Pro tip: Before you start swiping, run your dating profile pics through Photofeeler to see how women or men are responding to them.

Choosing your profile pics this way has been shown to significantly increase match rates and match quality.

Go to now and give it a try!

Presenting yourself properly on a dating site is the key to attract the right people. But like anything worthwhile in life, how you go about describing yourself has to be interesting and engaging.

This article offers more than just how to describe yourself but also the mindset to capture the interest of those you wish to reach.

A Dating Site Is Not A Social Media Platform

We’re all guilty of hyping our appearance, status, personality, events, etc across social media platforms. And it’s all good fun for the likes and comments, however, the dating world is entirely different, especially if you wish to ultimately hook up.

The first tip to consider is that your online dating profile is YOU! And we mean the real you, which means you may want to deflate your ego and come clean with your true self.

With that said, imagine all the people who lie on their dating profiles?

They lie about their name, age, and improve their appearance, they place zero pictures of themselves or upload 10 year old photos. When you read their profile description it’s almost impossible to date such perfection.

A better question would be: would you be ok meeting a person who turns out nothing as you expected?

Make Your Life Evident Through Pictures

Imagine landing on a girl’s profile named Jane.

Jane posts various photos, a pic in regular clothes, another dressed up with friends. A few action photos with her dog, and a sexy one, and when you read her description her words make sense because her photos fortify her words.

Jane made herself evident through her photos by expressing herself at a deeper degree, thus providing trust to her visitor.

Let’s analyze it: from the action pic of Jane with her dogit is evident that she loves animals which says a lot. The pic dressed up with her friends demonstrates that she is outgoing, friendly and that she is cared for, and her sexy picture may project confidence, class, sex appeal, etc.

The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” is what we are getting at.

Jane will hands down have a far better chance at successful dating opportunities with quality men as opposed to the profiles with 0 photos.

Jane also updates her profile regularly.

So how would you describe yourself on a dating site?

Ways to Describe Yourself

Naturally, you have the freedom to set up a profile with only sexy pics and describe yourself as someone who only wants sex. This is done often but it’s risky- risky because the chances of exchanging details too soon will run high, and may lead to problems, we see this as a problem because the profile is set up too shallow.

The 2nd issue is that since it’s a dating site it may feel appropriate to deliver your quest to date through sexual pics, fantasies, etc.

Here are the 5 top recommended examples to describe yourself on a dating site.

  1. Use humor to describe yourself.

It’s likely that you’ll put a smile on your reader’s face when they read that you can be a little clumsy at times.

2. Describe your interest in more detail.

For instance, if you love traveling, is it to tropical places? Trekking across mountains?

3. Have Fun.

The times you had a great date, worthy of repeating was because you laughed, this should be #1, so have fun!

4. Describe the true you.

Are you shy? perhaps don’t like the idea of chatting through a machine?

Some of the best conversations and ice-breakers happen through being truthful.

5. Ask family and friends what they think.

If you find yourself battling to describe yourself, ask a few friends to help describe you. Often friends and family know us better than we know ourselves.

You can also search dating bio examples for more ideas


Important: don’t fall into the common mistake of setting up an over-exaggerated or poor profile. Instead make it a real-life experience for your visitor.

Describe Yourself Dating Site Examples

Your profile is what users with a desire to meet someone special will come across and if they see no photos what do you expect?

This means, taking out the time to upload various quality photos, plus filling out all the essentials.

How To Fill Out The Description Field/Dating Bio Examples

What do you think about this description?

“I’m here to meet girls”

Was your answer well dah?

The dating site description field must not be vague, unless you’d like a high bounce rate.

Instead, follow this proven example that’ll enhance your engagement:

Your job is a 3rd of your life and that’s a big deal. However, users typically state their careers flat out like “I am a financial advisor” or “I am a lawyer”.

Describe Yourself Dating Site Examples

This is too vague, but elaborating about the type of impact you have upon others will spice things up and encourage users to interact with you.

Example: “I’m a financial advisor and my job gives me the pleasure to organize people’s lives so that they can spend more time with their children”.

This adds a deeper emotional aspect that’ll add value to your profile.

If you commit yourself to your profile, it’ll show, and you’ll become more attractive as opposed to the guy who puts “I’m looking for a shag”

Attracting Through Emotion:

What makes a top notch-profile is to make your visitor see something unique about you and being authentic is unique!

The simple yet effective way to do this, is by telling a story, this is why stories are so popular on social media.

A brief story about you, something fun. Like rehashing on a trip that your friends recently did together will tell much more about you. And will be much more interesting than simply stating that you like to go out with your friends.

By using stories to convey personality, you’ll become much more attractive so be sure to communicate your stories on an emotional level.

Talk about your inner feelings during the experiences that took place at your event.

Tapping into your visitor’s emotions has been proven to increase traffic to your profile. Plus the degree of your engagements, think of how an author keeps his reader engaged, making his reader turn page after page until the whole book is finished.

With these simple tips, you’ll enjoy online dating more than ever.


Now, with your profile in tip-top shape, this is where the power behind the special algorithms steps to the plate.

How it works: your honest, relevant information will flow through the Friends With Benefits system algorithms that’ll’ instantly pair you with like-minded available prospects.

This is the heart of Friends With Benefits, to ensure that while you’re busy working or sleeping, the system algorithms will work on your behalf through a wide spread of choices within your dating criteria.

For example, you won’t be paired with a wild drinker if that’s not your thing.

All that is asked is that you cooperate with the full scope of the platform, and you can rest assured, that your inbox will be full of messages from available women/men to meet, date, and maybe a little more.

How To Describe Yourself On A Dating Site
Presenting yourself properly on a dating site is the key to attract the right people, how you go about describing yourself has to be interesting.

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Describe Yourself Dating Example

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