Elite Singles Success Rate


Elite Singles is relatively new to the dating website scene. Here, I'll do an deep-dive Elite Singles review that will explore all the relevant areas of this site.

Founded in 2008, they have been committed to quality, personal service and maintaining the highest industry standards. But do they live up to their own standards?

We love hearing from success couples at EliteSingles. Finding a partner and creating a bond is an incredible and life-changing experience. Judy and Jackie’s tale is truly heartwarming and shows that ‘love finds a way’. When Jackie told us her story, it was so eloquent and well-written we wanted to publish the whole thing in full. Sign Up for a Free Membership. Not only does a basic membership on Elite Singles not cost a cent. There's also a great deal of maturity, with many being older and looking to have a meaningful relationship with someone. Elite Singles brings in approximately two million visits per month, and the gender breakdown is 44% men to 56% women. You can join via your desktop or mobile device, such as. In a nutshell: Catering to 35+ college-educated singles, Elite Singles offers a smooth, easy-to-use dating site for like-minded single's looking for a meaningful connection. The site uses an in-depth personality quiz to match members and has had a very high success rate with this method. Review Plans & Pricing.

While Elite Singles has a lot of things going for it, their lack of genuine free options seriously hinders the integrity of their claims.

They need to make money, of course. But there are a few problems that make the site seem less like a quality dating site.

Sometimes, it felt more like a money grab attempting to take advantage of desperate singles.

Dating Site: Elite Singles

Niche: Educated Singles

Market: U.S.

Recommendation: A good option for educated men and women


Elite Singles has no real niche except that it seems to be made for “those who want the best.” But really, who doesn’t want the best?

Elite Singles is one of those “generalist” dating websites. There is almost no restriction on what type of relationship or person you can look for.

However, they do market themselves to “educated” singles.

As far as demographics, Elite Singles does seem to draw a more educated group of singles. Other sites report that 82% of Elite Single’s users have a university degree.

Since similar education and level of intelligence tends to be important, users are more likely to be successful and satisfied with the site if they also have a university degree.

While Elite Singles is technically open to everyone, it tends to market itself towards, and is best suited for singles with post-secondary education.

This Elite Singles review factor receives a Niche rating of A.

Number Of Users

Elite Singles seems to have a reasonable number of users. Their website says that, since their founding in 2008, they’ve had 13 million users.

If you do the math, that's over 1 million users each year!


Also, if you consider that their user base started really small and has been growing every year, it’s possible that their users are around the 2 million mark.

It is more difficult to tell how many of these users are actually active, however. I feel you can really only tell by trying to use the site.

After I created a profile and entered what type of woman I was looking for (I wasn’t too picky), I was shown 54 “daily” matches.

This may seem like a small number, but compared to other sites, it’s about average.

Part of the problem was that I had only a few matches above 90%, and many as low as 70% compatibility.

So, while there’s good numbers for each person, whether they are compatible just depends on what you’re looking for.

One thing Elite Singles had going for it is that they are very vigilant about purging non-active users. You can be relatively sure that anyone you see on there is active.

This increases the likely hood of finding someone, and it is a very secure and protected site.

Overall, it seems that the website has a good number of users. While compatibility may vary, you’ll likely have plenty of options to choose from.

This Elite Singles review factor receives a Users rating of A-.


Elite Singles is significantly more expensive than many other dating sites, unless you’re committing to a six-month period.

Its single month plan is a whopping $64 dollars for the month. This is more expensive than any other dating site I’ve seen.

Their six-month plan is $18 a month, which is comparative to a lot of 12-month plans, but less commitment. That, however, is about all that Elite Singles has going for it as far as price.

The absolute worst part? You can’t even view photos without paying…

Not being able to see pictures without paying, coupled with the fact that there is no “free trial” (though you can still view the rest of the profile), makes this website nearly useless unless you pay.

Even the most expensive dating sites have more free functions than this site!

Elite Singles is moderately priced if you’re willing to commit to the whole six-month period, but otherwise comes across as a greedy money-grabbing scheme preying on singles.

This Elite Singles review factor receives a Price rating of C.

User Experience

Overall, Elite Singles looks nice and is relatively easy to use. The color scheme is attractive and looks modern and up to date.

The profiles are prominent and feature large pictures as well as the percentage to which you are compatible.

Fortunately, search criteria are easily accessible and changeable, and you can choose to view your results in either list or grid view.

Profiles are laid out nicely and feature a bunch of information. Similarities are highlighted so you can easily see what you have in common.

There are different ways to search, including “daily matches” and “have you met?” The first updates daily and gives a lot of pictures for you to browse.

The second features just a single profile at time, but with more info present and the ability to “like” or to “skip.”

Perhaps the biggest complaint I have about Elite Singles’ user experience is that there’s no way to sort your matches by compatibility.

Your 90% matches are scattered throughout the entire list or grid, so you really do have to look at every single option to make sure you’re not missing anything.

Finally, the site does have a mobile application, but it’s one of the most poorly rated at a D.

Most of these complaints are about the website as a whole (in particular the price), but a fair amount of them report that the app just doesn’t work well.

Elite Singles has a relatively intuitive and pleasant looking website but suffers from a few filtering and mobile app weaknesses.

This Elite Singles review factor receives a User Experience rating of B.


Elite Singles uses the Big Five Personality Factors to help gauge your personality. I am a big fan of this popular personality test as it’s very informative.

But it seems that rather than using this information to match you, they just display it on your profile.

Therefore, while it is readily accessible and you can see people rate, there’s so much more they could do with it.

Elite Singles could use the psychologists it has hired to better match people based on their personality profile.

Instead, it seems like your compatibility is based mostly on your search criteria, which while extensively detailed, isn’t up to the full potential of the site.

Many of my matches were significantly outside the age range or distance which I selected. Other customer reviews of the site echo this concern.

This Elite Singles review factor receives a Metrics rating of B.

Success Rate

The only indication the site gives of their success rate is that they create an average of 2,000 “couples” a month.

It’s impossible to tell how many stay together though, and I didn’t even find more than a couple “success stories.”

Wouldn’t a successful business and dating website want to advertise how successful they are? The fact that they don’t is concerning.

When you pair it with their low customer reviews, it's troubling. It's further evidence that this site might not be all it’s cracked up to be.

I don’t have much to go on here, unfortunately, so this Elite Singles review factor gets a Success rating of B-.


While Elite Singles has a lot going for it (decent metrics, UI, and generalized niche), it crumbles when it comes to pricing.

Hopefully the website isn’t as overly concerned with money as it seems to be.

But without better publicized success rates and offerings for free users, it’s really hard to get onboard with the “all or nothing” mentality.

Overall, Elitesingles.com receives a B.

If you'd like to be taken to Elite Single's website to check it out, simply click here.

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As a dating site that matches its members using personality-based algorithms, EliteSingles has proven to be a go-to haven for singles who are looking for love.

In comparison to other similar dating sites, EliteSingles does not leave any stone unturned. Through a series of special questions that highlight your personality and preferences, the site strives to match those who sign up with their dream partners.

The series of personality questions that your profile is centered on rates everything from your level of attractiveness, your partner’s income bracket, to how far you are willing to travel to meet your potential companion. Well, I would not mind going to the ends of the earth, would you? This is what makes the EliteSingles community interesting. The dating site still maintains a good level of fun while helping you to find the perfect partner.

In this EliteSingles review, we will highlight everything that you need to know about finding love using this exceptional service. When you finish reading this review, you will have a good understanding of EliteSingles and you will know whether it will meet you at your point of dating needs.

  • Millions of registered users at your disposal
  • An extensive personality survey that only leads to compatible matching
  • No fake profiles as all profiles on the site require human verification
  • Free version of the site for members who do not want to subscribe to the dating service
  • Comprehensive profiles that highlight similarities among matches or members of the dating site
  • Extensive verification, privacy and filtering options
  • Premium members receive up to 20 wildcard matches on a daily basis while basic account members receive 3-7 matches per day. As such, there is a high chance of getting matched with the “right person”
  • A large number of active users
  • Free or basic accounts come with limited functionality, they do not allow for viewing of photos or profiles
  • A long and overwhelming sign-up process especially for users with little to no patience
  • No search options

Amongst online dating sites, EliteSingles is known for its extensive personality assessment that is modeled after the Five Factor Model theory.

So, how does Elite Singles work? When signing up for the account on the platform, I found out that the fun starts after answering common questions like my age, gender and location. Every member is required to offer up this basic information as it is vital in creating matches.

Thereafter, members volunteer the information that they consider important. Through a series of subjective questions, I was asked to rate my own appearance and among other questions, I was also required to fill in how selfish I was.

Needless to say, members have to get past a level of initial awkwardness when giving their necessary information.

Sign Up Process


I realized that signing up to the site on my desktop and signing up using my phone were two totally different things. While the app requires only an email address and a password, the desktop version is responsible for a more in-depth sign up process.

But just to ensure that you get the most out of the sign-up process, it is best to sign-up on your desktop and sync the app to the desktop version of your account.

When signing up, you will start with the basics by providing your name, gender, and the gender of the person that you are looking to match with. There is an Elite Singles for gays, straight and lesbian sign up options. You choose your sexual orientation! Thereafter, you will provide your email address and create a password with eight characters or more. Once this is done, you will move on to a personality questionnaire that is comprised of 29 questions.

Brace yourself for an intense question and answer session because the questionnaire takes up to 45 minutes to complete. You will answer questions on your personal preferences and aspects of your ideal partner that appeal the most to you.

There are over 60 questions that basically sum up what you think of yourself. As you provide your answers, you will come across one or two repetitive questions.

Apart from multiple choice questions, there are also open-ended questions that you can fill as you desire. These include what you are most thankful for and how you will solve important issues in your potential relationship.

While filling the questionnaire may feel like a lot of work, it relieved me of having to fill my profile manually. Once I was done, I realized that my profile on the site was ready to use.

Contacting People


I discovered that when viewing my matches, I can like or dislike them. The dating site curates your matches based on the answers on your questionnaire. Now, on a free account I was only able to view the matches as well as read their messages. However, I could not respond back to those messages unless I subscribed to a premium account.

Pay attention to the left-hand side of your screen and you will see a heart icon. By clicking to this icon, you will end up with three categories which include “matches”, “favorites” and, “visitors”. In these categories, you will not only view other site members’ names and profile pictures but will also see their age and location. This should make it easy for you to find a few great match options.

When you click on a match’s name, you will get a glimpse of their photo gallery. However, with a free account, these photos are blurred. You can only see them on a premium account. The site also does a great job of showcasing the traits that you and your match have in common.

Honestly, this is a time saver in itself. You will immediately know whether you want to start conversations with your match prospects or if you would rather pass on them and move forward.

To show interest, you are allowed to like multiple sections of your match’s profile. By doing this, you will start interactions with the individual. You may also show interest by clicking on the smile icon and sending your match a smile which will be recorded in the message area.

There is also a section that allows you to add your match to a favorites list where you can message them later. Your favorite’s column will only contain the profiles that pique your interest. The option is only available for premium users.

Members can interact courtesy of the wildcard matches. This section of your profile is accessed via the cupid’s arrow icon that is located on the central part of the elite singles app. You will have a limit of 20 wildcard matches on a daily basis.

But unlike other matches, you cannot view your wildcard’s photo gallery. Even so, you will still get to see the traits that you have in common with your wildcard matches. The wildcard section of the dating platform is only available to paid members.



Creating a profile on EliteSingles is easy because the dating site does half the work for you by filling in your profile using the answers that you give in your questionnaire.

This is my profile on the dating site:

The only downside that I experienced with the profile is that I was not able to go back and edit the information that I had already given when answering questions on the personality test.

But then again this means that you should not take the questions or the test lightly as the answers that you give are the answers that will represent you on your profile.

Otherwise, my profile is as comprehensive as it is user friendly.

Mobile App


The app version of the EliteSingles dating site is quite convenient. With it, you do not have to use your desktop to access your account. Using your smartphone, you can log into your account on the go. You can still receive daily matches and set your preferences at the same time.

With the dating app, you can do the following

  • Fill in your profile and preferences
  • Get daily matches
  • Access to your matches’ profile
  • Send smiles and likes
  • Upload Facebook photos directly to your dating profile
  • Look through more profiles using the open search function

Membership Options


EliteSingles comes with the following membership options:

While members can still enjoy free accounts, their functionality will be limited. Here are the differences between the free and fee-based accounts:

While downloading the app and using basic features is free, the EliteSingles subscription price is worthwhile seeing as it will allow you to do everything that you want to do on the platform.

The 12-month membership is particularly worthwhile because it gives you a 50% savings.

It is safe to say that EliteSingles is the real deal for career-based individuals who are looking for serious relationships that could potentially lead to marriage. On the other hand, if you are simply looking for a fun time, then it is best to consider other dating sites.

The site targets working singles with a majority of them holding a bachelor’s degree. The combination of the detailed personality survey and singles who are looking to commit makes this dating site one of a kind. If you feel that you are ready for a serious commitment, by all means, sign up and create a profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I use my Elite Singles coupon?

From time to time, the dating site offers coupons at discount prices. With these coupons, you can enjoy a one-month free trial of an Elite Singles premium account. This means that you can enjoy premium account benefits without a subscription, courtesy of the coupon.

How does the Elite Singles personality test work?

The site matches singles according to their personality test answers. Based on factors like lineage, location, and occupation among others, the site will set its members with up to seven matches on a daily basis. Based on the test, members who are matched together often have similar personalities.

Is there an Elite Singles free trial period?

First of all, it is important to note that you can have a free account on this dating site, especially if you do not want the Elite Singles discount offers or subscriptions. It comes with no strings attached. Therefore, you do not need a free trial because your account will be free forever or until you decide to delete it.

What does a smile mean on elite singles?

A smile is a greeting that expresses interest in a potential match.

How can I send a smile to my Elite Singles match?

If you receive a smile from your match, then you can click or tap on the “smile back” option to send a smile to them as well. Thereafter, your match will receive a notification of the smile.

How much do you have to make to be on elite singles?

While there is no specific income bracket on EliteSingles, you will be asked to choose your income bracket when completing the personality test. The site states income anywhere from $25,000 to over $150,000.

Elite Singles Success Rate Calculator

How can you delete an elite singles account?

Go to “menu” then select “delete my account”. Tap on the deletion link and your account will no longer exist.

What is the difference: Elite Singles vs eHarmony?

Both EliteSingles and eHarmony are quality dating sites. However, EliteSingles comes with a more affordable version and the site as a whole offers a dynamic user experience. It also attracts older and more established singles who are looking for love. On the other hand, the fact that eHarmony does not personally check profiles means that the site can attract anybody, even those who do not meet the set standards. EliteSingles has stricter requirements in comparison to its counterpart.

How do I hide my profile on Elite Singles?

Go to menu and select “my account” option. Then scroll down to matching settings and click on the toggle next to “matching is enabled”.

Is Elite Singles good for over 50s?

Yes, EliteSingles has an over 50s dating category that is meant to help singles I this category find love.

What is the main difference between Elite Singles vs Match?

While Match offers quick and simple dating, EliteSingles is more in-depth and accurate. The fact that it uses personality-based questions to curate matches makes EliteSingles more of a serious dating platform than Match.

Elite Singles Success Rate Calculation

If I want to cancel, is there an Elite Singles refund?

Yes, receiving a refund from Elite Singles is easy. Contact their customer care team and they will help you get your money back as quickly as possible.

What is the Elite Singles contact number?

To contact the Elite Singles customer service team, send an email to [email protected].

Zoosk vs Elite Singles: Which one has more members?

Elite Singles Success Rate Chart

Zoosk has 27 million members while Elite Singles has 13 million members. Granted, Zoosk has more members but you have a chance of meeting your perfect match in either of these platforms.