Women's Dating Site Profile Examples

A fool-proof profile formula that works like magic on any dating site or app; Examples of what works and what doesn’t, so you don’t accidentally turn off women; Two fill-in-the-blank online dating profiles you can use today to get more attractive women responding immediately, plus 9 more great online dating profile examples you can copy!

Are you are struggling to create an online dating profile that attracts women? Luckily, there are a few simple tips and tricks to help you attract more women to your profile! Many men find it challenging to write about themselves. But it’s even harder to write the right things about who they are. Therefore, men often leave their profiles too short, too simple, and boring – hence why they aren’t attracting any women to their profiles. There are heaps of qualities that make men more attractive to women and incorporating them into your online dating profile is just one way to help you step up your online dating profile game. Below are a few of the top tips to make your online dating profile the one that attracts all the women.

  • Online Dating Profile Examples Here are a few examples of unique online dating profiles. If you wish to understand the concepts behind these examples, please read our tips for writing your online profile. Example 1: Light-Hearted and Silly.
  • Dating Profile Example # 3: Movie quote. Referencing movies or tv shows is a really great way to engage on a dating app. Even though you’re strangers, you’re already connected through this shared social consciousness, so swipers will automatically feel positively towards you.

The Importance of You and Her

A proven strategy to up your online dating profile is to not just write about who you are but to also write about the kind of woman you are looking for. A great rule of thumb is to go with the 70:30 ratio – 70% about you and 30% about her.

Your 70% should include information such as:

  • A story or experience that lets your personality and interests shine through – don’t just state you like to try new restaurants, show her what that means and what she can expect if she goes on a date with you. Describe how you choose a restaurant to try, the types of delicious food you like to order, and that you always save room for a decadent dessert.
  • Include information about your occupation. Whether you like it or not, a woman will want to know how you support yourself. If you don’t have a particularly exciting or interesting job you will need to get a bit creative. For example, pick a part of your job you do actually like and describe it in an interesting way. If you are a manager at a restaurant say how you love that your job allows you to meet and interact with tons of different and interesting people – it’s rewarding getting to meet unique people and sometimes hearing awesome stories they have.
  • Show emotional availability. Show the woman you are looking for she is more than just someone to date or have a good time with. Pick personality traits and hobbies that highlight you’re interested in spending time doing fun things with other people, like her. Additionally, value-centered activities are a great way of showing you are always looking for deeper connections with other people.

Her 30% should highlight:

  • What you are specifically looking for in a partner. Be honest about the traits you want her to have, what values are important to you in a woman, and anything else that is important for your woman to have or do.

Choose Your Words & Phrases Carefully

Just because you are including all of the right types of information in your profile, that doesn’t mean word choice is not important. In fact, you could have the best information in your profile, but if it’s written poorly and uses cliche language and phrases, it won’t matter. So, make sure you aren’t using generic, cliche, and cheesy diction. Women don’t want to hear “you have a good sense of humor” or that you’re “romantic and affectionate” because you “like long walks on the beach at sunset.” Phrases and words like those don’t say much about you and come across as disingenuous and vague.

Instead, get specific and choose words and phrases that are more eloquent. If you want to highlight you are romantic and affectionate, show the woman reading your profile you actually are. For example, say something like, “I’m the type of partner that likes to plan a surprise dinner out on a Friday night after a stressful week of work” or “there is nothing better than getting to spend a Saturday night at home with home cooked food, blankets, and Netflix.” Be creative, unique, fun, and endearing.

All About the Photos

Although the written part of your online dating profile is essential, choosing the right photos to include is equally important. Pictures will provide the women you are attracting to directly see what you and your life look like. Photos give women a real-life glimpse into who you are and will help to either attract or scare them off. Therefore, choosing appropriate pictures to include in your profile will take some careful consideration and time.

Choose photos that:

  • Show you in action – doing the activities you love to do.
  • Show you relaxing with friends and/or family – this highlights your value for having fun, spending time with family you love, etc.
  • Show your adventurous side – maybe choose some pictures of you in cool places you traveled to.
  • Show you enjoying your life, whatever that means to you – if trying new restaurants is your thing, include a photo or 2 of you eating delicious food at a gorgeous restaurant.
  • Don’t include a shirtless photo – only 6% of shirtless photos attract women on online dating profiles.
  • Choose photos where you are making eye-contact with the camera most of the time.

Best Women's Dating Profile Examples


Final Thoughts

Women's Dating Site Profile Examples -

Incorporating these simple tips into your online dating profile will completely revamp the way women view your profile. Online dating profiles can be hard to perfect and master, especially because there is so much competition out there. However, most people have subpar dating profiles, so making sure yours perfect will put you leaps and bounds above the rest! Try out these tips and tricks and see the difference in the women you attract and get to meet.