Dating Apps For Geeks And Gamers

You thought gamers don't belong to the professional crowd? You might be wrong here, a lot of people share your passion here, just sign up and see for yourself!

Fandom, nerd culture, sci-fi dorks, no matter what awkward personality you may think you have, on dating platforms for gamers you won’t be judged. And unlike nerdy communities like 9gag or Crunchy Roll for anime fans, dating apps allow you to actually flirt, and everybody is in.

The 7 Best Dating Sites for Video Game Lovers and Self-Professed Geeks, Revealed. Rather than sticking to gamer-centric dating sites and apps, it might be. Top 7 dating apps and websites for geeks and gamers. Welcome to gamer dating! Are you tired of being dumped for playing to many games? Well this is the subreddit for gamers to find other gamers! Here you can find a partner, give/get advise, or share your gamer dating stories!

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Dating Websites For Geeks

Table of Contents

Gamer Dating – Yoshi in the Streets, Witcher in the Sheets

Is There A Dating App For Gamers

Livedthrough fantastic tales and epochal adventures in outer worlds, gamers wantsomeone to share the love for the admired hobby. We save civilizations, fightfor glory and never back down. We are 2.2 billion worldwide.

Findyour perfect player 2 with dating platforms specialized on gamers. Whether pcprincess or console master, we share the same passions for great storytelling,smooth in-game physics and lag-free, straightforward action.

Level Up your Flirt-Stats with Gamer Dating Sites

Youknow every important gaming character back and forth, escaped countless trapsand enemies, but can´t find your perfect partner to share all those moments ofglory and more importantly, of defeat. You are amongst many gamers, regardlessof gender and age.

Millionsof gamers are the happiest behind their screens in games but when the screengoes black, nobody awaits them. An epidemic of loneliness is bursting throughonline and gaming communities.

Aspeople tend to dive deep into gaming worlds, they also go out less and hangmore within their online communities in which they can develop strongfriendships and bonds.

Whilethat might work for friendships, you can hardly get satisfaction out of anromantic online only relationship with someone, as love and warmth can’t betransferred digitally.

Nerddating sites are on rise, the industry finally recognizes the potential ofnerdy dating sites and we couldn’t be happier to provide you with everythingyou need to know to successfully dive into the exciting world of the best gamerdating sites of the USA.

How to Date a Gamer?

Usegaming as a conversation starter but don´t rely on it to carry your wholerelationship. It´s unlikely that you will build any kind of romantic or casualrelationship and fall in love with your match only because of the fact that youboth are gamers. Still, gamers love their hobby and following tips will helpyou understanding them better:

  • Gaming is an artform. Don’t dare to belittle it. If you ever played through campaigns of some great AAA-titles, you know the engaging experience of great storytelling in games. If not, try it by yourself or watch your date play some of their favourite games. You will quickly understand the hype around legendary series like Witcher or Final Fantasy.
  • PC-gamers are, like people who have a passion for cars, photographers or people with other expensive hobbies, who are always under the pressure about how much money they spend on their hobbies. A decent gaming-rig can easily cost thousands of Dollars. And, depending on the person’s habits, it has to be updated every few years with at least a new graphics card which costs again a few hundred dollars. Don´t judge your gamer date for being cheap on things that you would spend money on, they´re just more likely to invest money in new equipment for a better gaming experience than into a fancy dinner or a romantic weekend trip. Don´t take it personally.
  • Losing, frustration and anger are part of the gaming experience. Titles like Dark Souls, Bloodborne or Sekiro are made to outrage you and give you the urge to destroy your surroundings in incredible hatred towards the seeming unfairness of levels or bosses. But once, after several hours of anger, you defeat that final stage, your dopamine levels explode and you’re usually rewarded with epic cutscenes and crazy useful items.
  • Some nights belong to games. Be prepared to spend evenings and nights without your partner in your bed. If they´re saying that they just have to finish this level or boss, they might spend not only the next 15 minutes on it but easily a few more hours, depending on the intensity of the section and upcoming in-game events.
  • The gaming community is as real as every other social group. Outsiders might get an impression that online gaming has nothing to do with socializing in a traditional way, but the bonds made over years of playing and chatting together lead often to friendships, sometimes even to romances.
  • Time is relative for a gamer. We can spend hours on a game without a break and be bored out after 10 minutes at a wild party. Spending time on other activities can be tiresome for gamers. A lot of them prefer a cosy evening with the favourite game over small talks at overpriced activities.

Don´t mix up Gamer Girls with Gaming Girls

Instagramand other social media gave real girl gamers a bad reputation. They, like most“influencers”, rarely represent reality and are more interested in clicks andattention than in games. At least, some of them actually stream games, whichmakes it more bearable for the community.

Mostof the female gamers don´t define themselves over their gender and they aretired of being reduced to it. Some of them may like some extra attention in chats and online games, but themajority of gaming girls just wants to enjoy a wholesome experience with allups and downs and equal treatment while playing competitive games inside thecommunity like PUBG, LoL or Apex Legends and.

Gamingcommunities can be toxic enough so don´t exaggerate with snarky comments or bybeing overly caring, just be yourself and have fun. Everything not game relatedshould be sent by private message or, with much more success probability, ongamer and geek dating sites.

Battle Royale in the Bedroom

It´sa short way from feisty comic con cosplay encounters to kinky fantasy lovers.Sheer endless worlds of video game characters let plenty of room for new kinksand fetishes. Players invent new scenarios for romantic roleplays and geekypassions on the go.

Thebrain, is capable of producing incredible amounts of sexual stimulation. Somegamers developing high amounts of sexual energy and fantasies.

Gamers are dedicated, and dedication is hot. Seeing your partner defeating wildly a major boss in rage might be a huge turn on. And while overflown by dopamine, after-game sex can be incredibly intense.

That being said, keep in mind that gaming is important but not everything in life. Let room for activities and impressions outside your comfort zone. Healthy outdoor activities and socialising are as important for a long term relationship as mutual hobbies. Don’t let yourself and your partner go in endless gaming sessions. Instead, reward yourself for in-game achievements with a cultural event or what else you prefer as a couple.

What makes dating sites for gamers in particular appealing is that it is judgement-free zone, and everyone knows what’s up. Fandom, nerd culture, sci-fi dorks, no matter what awkward personality you may think you have, on dating platforms for gamers you won’t be judged.

Andunlike nerdy communities like 9gag or Crunchy Roll for anime fans, dating appsallow you to actually flirt, and everybody is in for the same goal!

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With billions of people living in this world, one can barely find two identical personalities. Nevertheless, some groups still exist uniting individuals with shared interests. As such, we may see gamers. Within their interest, one is to decipher only computer games. Spending most of their time on them, it is not that easy to find a person who can tolerate this all the time. That is why dating websites for gamers are gaining popularity.

Gamers Dating

It sometimes seems that gamers do not suffer from crushing loneliness as they have everything they need, and this thing is a computer. However, it does not reflect the reality completely. People see it on dating sites for gamers.

What is so special about them and their members?

First of all, these users see the world through the glasses of their favorite video-game. Perhaps, there is a main character that appeals to a lot to singles. In fact, they often even associate themselves with such heroes or, in some cases, ape the behavior.

Whenever the game is calm and relaxing, the gamer will be melancholic as well. However, if it is cruel, there can be some problems.

Secondly, gamers’ dating is not the same as the one we are used to. The idea of two people communicating perfectly endlessly is possible only if these two singles have something in common. In gamers, it can be felt even sharper. Whether it is an online site or face-to-face meeting, the topic for discussion mainly concerns computers. Whenever you succeed to get side-tracked, it will not last long. That is why experts advise such dating only if you are the same.

What is more, even if you do not get annoyed with so much time spent before the computer while dating, you can be when living together. Thus, if both of you are fond of games, it will not pose a problem.

How does a typical gamers dating site look like?

  • It has lots of animations;
  • Very bright and full of popular characters;
  • Full of computer-obsessed singles;
  • Full of videos and blogs about games;
  • In some cases, they are sorted by type of games.

Gamers dating is. However, an exciting world to explore. They view the outer environment in a completely different way. Moreover, such people value emotions a lot. After a long time of gaming where you hardly restrain your emotions, they are sincere with what they feel.

Dating App For Gamers

After all, you got to know about online dating for gamers, and it is natural to crave to find a good site where all of these things can come true. Here is the list of the best sites.



The first dating website for gamers we would like to introduce to you is Soulgeek. It is what we call a typical site of that kind.

On the one side, some users find it a bit overloaded. Too many tabs can sometimes be distracting. However, it is important to forget the target audience of the site. Gamers are accustomed to complicated schemes, as they face it every day.

What can you find among all these pages of this dating app for gamers?

  • Recent music and videos;
  • Interesting members;
  • A separate page with photos;
  • Blogs and forums;
  • Free access;
  • Search.

Whenever you do not feel ripe to come to online dating for gamers immediately, this site has prepared a great amount of entertainment apart from it. As in the game, where you should win and define your odds in advance, here, you can stick to the same strategy.

First of all, if that site is where you go after the tense game, you can relax listening to music or watching videos that gamers are interested in. Secondly, one can linger on blogs and forums pages only to find some exciting data. Then, get the right to dating and chat with like-minded. is not only dating for gamers, but also its audience is all nerds, geeks, and other singles whose life directly depends on the computer.


Unlike the site that we have already discussed, this dating app for gamers is more narrow and oriented only on the gaming experts.

GamerDating has elaborated a lot on its design and purpose. The background is always taken from the game that is on top of the time.

What should one know about this gamers dating site?

  • The ability to create its own library;
  • Articles;
  • Personality verification;
  • Popular games topics. is a dating site to extend your knowledge about games. Even if you think that you have all the needed information and skills, the articles will change your mind and offer you to spend your precious time on what you like.

When it comes to dating for gamers, this site simplifies the whole process. As all the gamers still divide themselves into separate groups depending on what games they are keen on. Sometimes, there can be even rivalry between adherents of different types, with each arguing about their game to be better than the other.

Each newly-registered member adds to the library games they are experts in, just interested, or willing to try. In this case, they form their site profiles. Later, gamers with the same or almost the same selection search for each other. Thus, they have a ready-made topic of communicating.

Moreover, this dating site requires email confirmation. As a result, it is not recommended to use a fake one. This process has reduced the possibility of fraud.


Everyone who has dealt with gamers dating cannot be frightened by anything. These people find it even interesting to be confused initially to solve the riddle. is an uncomfortable site, but very fruitful at the same time. All the functions combined in one work together to produce an as high effect as possible.

What can one meet on this dating website for gamers?

  • Video chatting;
  • Popular gamers;
  • Forums and groups to share interesting facts;
  • Videos and fun stuff;
  • Books.

The final point sounds probably the most impossible. How can video games players read something? Do they have some time apart from playing and dating? This site believes so. Here are the recent game-based books, as The WarCraft War of the Ancients Archive or From Sun Tzu to Xbox: War and Video Games. This page can make gamers read and even discuss it with some members on the site.

Besides, if one is tired and needs a real dating, he or she goes to video chat rooms. If you have fixed upon one girl or boy, you may chat with them immediately.

Having one, exploring forums, chatting, and some other things are the main factors why you should sign up here. Do not delay.

Of course, this site has a big minus. Unlike other similar platforms, it is not distinguished by super attracting and trendy design. Everything is rather simple and with no effect producing. On the one side, gamers would like to be the site elaborated as they are used to seeing in their games. On the other hand, this point allows them to focus on what they come here for – dating.



Our final dating site for gamers is The fascinating thing about this platform is that you can indicate your interests during registration. The matter is that the drop-down list to choose from is very diverse. You will find the enumeration of various games there. It is rather a profound list for a nerd. For example, users can pick up hardware, HTML, or just programming.

The dating for gamers is, at first, an extraordinary thing. They are not good at romantic things or making compliments. has taken care of it. The site designed a separate page with flirting advice. It is a quick dating guide of how to make the best first impression on a person that is not easy to surprise. Reading several articles specially prepared for it would be a great plus.

This site is also known for its numerous members that have nothing to do with computers, games, etc. They have decided to connect their life with such people but not such activity. Conversely, it is a great site if a gamer or programmer looks for a wife completely alien to this field.

It is one of the dating websites for gamers with only half of gamers. Even with such statistics, do not ignore it. This site has enough users to find your life. Whoever you want, an American or an English guy, a European or Australian girl, you can count on this site.

Moreover, gender here does not matter. If you are a simple guy who looks for dating a computer woman, there is nothing strange about it. It is not a field that only boys work in. Dating4Gamers proves it.

These are the four main dating sites for gamers. Tune yourself in and make this defining step. Signing up here will open you to a number of dating opportunities. She was beloved and respected.

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