Perfect Bio For Dating Apps

I’m not exactly on the dating market right now, but that only means that I'm the go-to confidant and soundboard for my friends who are actively looking for dates. It also means I spent quite a bit of time swiping with friends on apps — just to get in on the action and see what the landscape looks like. After all, isn’t dating via apps part of the millennial experience? Even if I can’t do it, I love living vicariously through everyone else’s lives.

It hasn’t been an easy decision to make, but the online dating world is a very different place to when we first launched online in July 2004. There are so many dating apps now, so many ways to. On some apps like The League, your bio has a 140-character limit. That means you’ve got a couple sentences max to make a good impression, which is crucial if you want a shot at meeting her in person. Super Short Profile Example #1: You don’t have enough space to tell, so you need to show why you’re a good.

My time spent swiping, both as a single person and as a third party, has shown me that there are many different approaches that people take when it comes to introducing themselves to potential dates. There are those who are very upfront with what they’re looking for and who they are in the very first line. There are those who use humor to disguise possible flaws and major red flags. And then there are those who don’t bother saying anything and just let their pictures speak for themselves.

No matter who you are or what you’re looking for, it doesn’t hurt to spend a couple of minutes crafting the best possible bio for your dating app. A better, more representative bio just means that you’re more likely to find yourself in conversation with someone who you actually might get along with. Consider a few of these tips the next time you log in to swipe.

Perfect Bio For Dating Apps

Don’t lie

It can be easy to want to embellish your life with interesting facts or cover up something you see as a red flag, but that can be a huge issue down the road for you. Not only is it not fair to the person on the other end, but it also sets you up with someone who might not be right for you. If all they are interested in is your feigned passion for football, then you might just find yourself with a bunch of sports enthusiasts clamoring to chat about the next big game. Being your true self is not only what’s right to do, but also the best way to set yourself up for success.

Showcase your talents

Everyone has things in their lives that they're particularly good at. These are the things that make you interesting to others. Your talent can be related to your job, your hobbies or your friends. It could even be your secret ventriloquist or Facebook stalking skills. You might shy away from showing what you’re good at with the fear of seeming like a show-off, but it’s important that you feel comfortable owning your successes. That’s especially the case in front of potential romantic interests. After all, you want someone who is comfortable with celebrating you for all your successes.

Highlight what’s important

If there are certain aspects of your life or personality that are especially important to you, make sure you make it clear on your profile. If your friends and family mean a lot to you, make sure you include a picture or a word about their value in your life. If your dog is your favorite friend or baking is your truest passion, include those facts as well. Not only does it paint a better picture of who you are, but it also just makes it that much easier for the person at the other end to start a conversation with you.

Keep it light

At the end of the day, dating apps are made to be swiped through. This means that a lot of times you’re only getting a couple of seconds (if even that much) attention on your pictures and text combined, so don’t make it harder than it needs to be. Keep things straightforward and easy so that someone would want to engage in conversation with you.


Whether you’re looking for something serious or just a bit of fun, the dating app life isn't always easy. When you’re going through a dry spell it can feel like everyone is luckier in love than you are. However, you don’t need to leave your dating success to fate. A survey has revealed Brits top online dating turn ons and turn offs and it’s bad news if you’re a fan of emojis.

Carphone Warehouse and dating expert and coach James Preece surveyed 1,000 Brits to find out what they find attractive in someone's dating profile and what raises red flags.

One of the hardest things to figure out when you're dating online is your bio. How much do you share? There’s no fixed answers. However, the survey revealed that 51 percent of Brits said that sarcasm or jokes go down well in a dating app bio. Preece said in a statement, “don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself. Nobody is perfect after all.”

Being able to laugh with a prospective partner is important but there are a few things you might want to bear in mind. Seven out of ten of those surveyed said that smut and rude jokes are a definite turn off. And you might want to curb your usage of emojis too, as 80 percent said they don’t like it.


Another crucial element is pictures. Ninety-three percent of people said they would straight up ignore someone on a dating app if they didn’t have pictures on their profile. Preece added: “You could have 99 amazing photos, but if there’s a red flag in number 100. It’ll put people off.”

Honesty is always the best policy and 86 percent of people said they liked to know what their potential date looked like properly, so a full-length picture is a must. When it comes to getting a mixture of shots on your profile, 80 percent of people said they liked to see snaps of their matches on holiday or travelling and 77 percent said photos with pets is a big sway in the right direction. If you're a parent, you should make that clear as one in three women said they liked to see pictures of their matches with their children.

Filters like the flower crown or dog ears are not the way to go, with 87 percent of respondents saying they wouldn’t match someone with them on their profile. Group photos can also be a tough one. While it’s nice to show that you have mates, two in three respondents said if they were presented with lots of group shots where it’s unclear who the dater is, they will just give up.

The study also highlighted the importance of sharing a similar lifestyle with your partner. Forty-three percent of people said smoking is a seriously undesirable habit, as is drinking more than the average person (38 percent.) Thirty-eight percent of daters weren’t a fan of those who go to the gym almost every day and 33 percent said they couldn't match with someone who is prudish.

What Should I Put In My Dating Bio

It’s so important to present yourself in the best light possible but when it comes to meeting someone you’ve also got to be yourself. Once you’ve matched the next challenge arises — what to message them. Rather than opening with the slightly boring “hi, how are you?” Preece offers these expert tips for a cracking opener:

  1. Ask a question about their profile to show you’ve read it.
  2. Ask about something interesting in their photos.
  3. Remember that the most beautiful word of all is their name: use that to make a deep connection.
  4. It’s fine to be a bit cheeky and show your sense of humour — but don’t be rude!

One downside to meeting people on apps is you can’t be sure if they are completely legit. Preece suggests that when you’re building a connection with someone there are certain things to look out for which may indicate they’re not the one. He advised that fake profiles will only have one or two pictures, so the person is difficult to identify and when you’re messaging they’ll say anything to get you onside. They may ask for money and get angry if they don’t get what they want quickly. Needless to say, block and delete.

Short Bio For Dating App

Building a dating profile and chatting with your matches can be a fun group effort and, whether their single or taken, your friends can be your biggest source of advice and inspiration. Preece said, “ask a friend to read over your messages. They won’t be blinded by romantic thoughts and will see through any lies.” So, if you think a summer romance is on the cards perfect your dating profile, stay clear of the emojis, and make sure your matches have your friends' approval.